Board of Directors Approved 06/07/07
May 2, 2007

Present: Williams, Fisher, Hon. James F. Moelk, Gerhardt, Curtola, Angen, Machado, Tauber, Hakenen, Martin, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hotaling

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of April 5, 2007
Fisher motioned to approve, Tauber seconded. The minutes carried.

President’s Report
Nextel: An agreement has been reached with Nextel. The contract will be presented to the Board for approval once it is received by the Club. Curtola expressed a member concern on potential radiation activity from cell phone towers and feels a community meeting should be scheduled prior to final Board approval. Williams agreed and said a meeting is planned with Nextel, the membership and neighbors. The date will be announced.
GV Landowners Association: Williams presented a member request to place a poster regarding the proposed Rockville Trails Estates Development in the Terrace. The Board declined the request as it is a political issue and not related to Club business.
Private Club Tax Exempt Status: Williams distributed a 2003 article on private and tax exempt status information from the Club Director magazine for Board review.
Social Committee: The committee is having a themed Italian Night dinner on Friday, June 8, a game night on the Sunday Evening BBQ nights, and Friday afternoon appetizers. The committee is changing the theme of the August 25 event from a Luau to Hot Caribbean Night. A Western Dinner and Dance is schedule for March 2008.

Treasurer’s Report
The full quarterly report, monthly cash flow, the cumulative total, food and beverage sales, and the golf shop inventory were reviewed at accepted.
S.I.D.: Fisher distributed an analysis of S.I.D. costs. The easement for

PG&E to install an electrical box has been signed. An additional cost of $50,000 is needed this month for the completion of the project which is expected by the end of May 2007. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve $50,000 with funds from C.I.F. Other C.I.F. items will be deferred to make funds available. Machado seconded, the motion carried.

PKF: The audit of the Club’s records has been completed with very good results. Williams and Fisher met with the company’s representative to the review the audit. The PKF representative complimented our accounting procedures. Fisher will inform the membership that the final audit report will be available for review at the Club.

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Robert & Gayle Knott, Doug & Janet Saladino, Bud & Hilda Ross III, Karen & Greg Stanovich, Gary & Rosa Phillips.
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve the applicants subject to those needing to complete the posting period. Curtola seconded. The motion carried.

Tennis Sub Committee Written Report
Hon. James F. Moelk will present the report to the Board of Directors at their June meeting.

Committee Reports
The committee is disappointed the Board declined removal of the tree on #4. The Board discussed several topics: enforcing golf course rules and sending warning letters to violators, having Story place a rope or log to block access areas to fairways that should not be used, and rotating the appropriate fairway accesses, posting notices stating no carts within 50 yards of the green, and cigar/cigarette debris on the golf course. The Board would like the committee’s recommendations on these topics.

Golf: Golf course activity is up. The committee requested the Board to use more aggressive wording in the president’s KEY message about cigar butts on the golf course, and for golfer to double up in golf carts.

House: The committee toured the Club’s facilities and reported some maintenance issues. They would like funds to purchase trees for the Terrace. The Board appreciates their efforts and requests the committee to prioritize their report list from their April minutes.

Tennis: Court usage is up. All courts need to be rebuilt. This project request has been sent to the Long Range Planning Committee. Currently, the courts need to be resurfaced. The cracks in the courts are becoming a hazard. Hakenen requested $22,000 from C.I.F. for a reoccurring maintenance necessity to repair cracks in the pavement. This will not permanently fix the courts until they are rebuilt. Curtola seconded. After a lengthy discussion, the motion carried (5-2).

Food & Beverage: The committee has drafted a new committee mission statement. Williams will email the draft to the Board of Directors for an approval or decline response.

Buildings & Grounds: Mrs. Betsy Martin resigned as chairperson of the committee. Williams thanked her for service and time. Three bids for the restroom repair on #4 have been received. It was determined the contractor will be Congdon. Williams requested $15,000 from C.I.F. for the repairs. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried.

Hon. James. F. Moelk requested a financial update on C.I.F. Phase I and Phase II.

Long Range: The committee is busy gathering information from committees to develop a ten year long range plan to present at the General Membership meeting in October 2007.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary